Labour Law A/B/C/D

9 ECTS / Semester / Portuguese

The course aims to give students knowledge of the laws and grounds of labour relations, whether pertaining to contracts, companies or employees. The regulation of leave, absences, rights and duties are some of the topics that are dealt with throughout the course. 

* The course sheet for each class is available on Moodle.


Professor of Law
Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Portugal (Lisbon School), has a Ph.D. in Private Law from the Faculty of Law of the Nova…
Invited Professor
António Nunes de Carvalho is an invited  lecturer at the Católica | Lisbon School of Law where he  earned his Master’s Degree. He is author and co-author  of…
Associate Professor
Associate Professor at Católica Lisbon School of Law, where she graduated and earned her Master and PhD degrees. She teaches Labour Law and Labour Procedural…
Guest Assistant Professor at the Escola de Lisboa da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Católica Portuguesa. He has published and developed research in the…