Finishing your Master of Law and Business gives you access to different carreer opportunities in Law and Business, namely:

  • Business and company lawyer (in a law firm and “in-house”);
  • Legal and regulatory services in regulatory authorities;
  • Legal counsel for business management;
  • Consultancy;
  • Business management.

Career Moments
Career Moments, promoted by the Master’s coordination, with Nuno Moreira da Cruz’ support, allow the opportunity to reflect about the different professional careers open to Master of Law and Business students. In an informal environment, distinguished guests with different career paths (for instance, a Law graduate manager, an in-house lawyer, a law firm lawyer specialised in legal counsel for business, a consultant, a diplomat, a head hunter, etc.) are invited to share their life experience and give an account of their professional daily lives. The aim is to provide students with the ability to be open to new horizons and  to be receptive to new challenges.

For more information about careers, please contact:

Career Office

Patrícia Gonçalves
Tel.: (+351) 21 721 42 40
Sara Almeida
Tel.:  (+351) 21 426 97 93



Graduate Programmes - Students' Office

1st and 2nd Semester:
Ana Ferrão

Phone: (+351) 21 721 41 74

3rd Semester - Dissertation:
Anabela Filipe
Phone: (+351) 21 721 41 76