Undergraduate Degree in Law

Program Description

The 8 semester-long Undergraduate Degree in Law is based on a core of compulsory subjects. Additionally students can also choose from a range of optional modules in different areas of Law, which allows them, from the beginning of their degree, to build up their CVs with a future specialisation in mind. 

Furthermore, the Faculty offers a number of seminars entirely taught in English, which form a Transnational Law Curriculum (TLC). Some of those seminars are equivalent to, and thus replace, compulsory Portuguese courses. Through the TLC programme, Católica | Lisbon School of Law is a pioneer in the internationalisation of students.

Because “learn by doing” is in the DNA of the Católica | Lisbon School of Law, teaching from the first to the fourth year includes practical and theoretical-practical classes which are considered to be essential for effectively applying the theoretical knowledge gained previously.  

The connection to practice is encouraged throughout the degree and students can attend Summer Traineeships, Legal Clinics or, in partnership with the Alumni Network, take part in Mentoring and Job Shadowing Programmes in partner entities which value our undergraduates’ knowledge.


Admissions Office - Undergraduate Programme

Maria Pereira
E-mail: candidaturas.fd.sede@ucp.pt
Phone: (+351) 21 721 41 57
Cell Phone: (+351) 91 541 91 76

All face-to-face appointments must be scheduled by email.




Luís Freitas

"Orgulho de ser licenciado na melhor Faculdade de Direito do País."

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