Why the Catholic University?

At the Catholic University, we offer our students a solid and demanding law education and we foster their learning as well as oral and written communication skills.

From the beginning of their degrees, our students are prepared to solve real-life cases and encouraged to work in teams. As a School that promotes a close professional relationship between professors, students and other members of staff, the Catholic University is also known for its excellent academic environment and individualised teaching.

The formation and constitution of a diversified and outstanding teaching staff is very important for the Faculty: full professors with the highest academic achievements; lecturers with a broad professional experience, connecting theory and practice; foreign professors coming from prestigious American and European universities; professors of other scientific domains (economics, business, philosophy, ethics, and political science).

Internationalisation and a multicultural environment are a priority. We prepare our students for a global perspective of Law, not only through courses and seminars taught by international professors, but also through the possibility of spending a semester abroad, under the aegis of the Erasmus Programme, or taking part in international summer courses co-convened by the Catholic University and other prestigious schools.

The Catholic University undergraduates show the highest employability rate as indicated by rigorous, independent surveys and by admissions to the national Bar Association. The support of both the Career Office and the Student Support Office has a fundamental role in this positive outcome.

Católica – choosing a successful future!


Licenciatura - Testemunho - António Barbosa

António Barbosa

"Tive a oportunidade de beneficiar de um plano curricular inovador e contactar com um corpo docente de excelência"

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