Call for Papers | Direito dos contratos: perspetivas de futuro. Diálogos sobre a Propuesta de modernización del Código Civil

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 12:25
Call for papers - Direito dos contratos: perspetivas de futuro. Diálogos sobre a Propuesta de modernización del Código Civil

The period for submitting communication proposals for the international colloquium "Contract Law: Future Perspetives. Dialogues on the Proposal for the Modernization of the Civil Code" is open until November 10, 2024.

Communications on the proposal for the modernization of the Spanish Civil Code, published on July 31, 2023, must be written in Portuguese or Spanish and sent to the following email address: .


All communication proposals must include the following elements:

  • Author's identification and, if applicable, their professional status;
  • Title, keywords, and abstract in Portuguese or Spanish;
  • Abstract up to 500 words;
  • A maximum of 6 keywords.

The acceptance of the communications will be communicated to the applicants by November 25, 2024.

Call for papers

Cartaz - Colóquio_DireitoCivildezembro2024

The selected communications will be presented at the Colloquium | "Contract Law: Future Perspetives. Dialogues on the Proposal for the Modernization of the Civil Code", which will take place on December 5th and 6th, 2024, at the Portuguese Catholic University.