Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, where she graduated, obtained the degree of Master and Doctor. She currently teaches and develops research in the disciplines of Public Finance and Constitutional Law. Maria currently holds executive positions as a member of the Board of the Lisbon School of the Faculty of Law of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa. She is a researcher at the Catholic Research Center for the Future of Law. She is also a consultant. Maria is the author of “Lições de Finanças Públicas e Direito Financeiro” (Almedina, 2011, 2012, 2013 e 2019), of “A Despesa Pública Justa - Uma análise jurídico-constitucional do tema da Justiça na despesa pública” (Almedina, 2016), of “Contributo para a Compreensão das Garantias Institucionais” (Almedina, 2007) and co-author of “A Lei de Enquadramento Orçamental – Anotada e Comentada” (Almedina, 2007 e 2009).
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