Petros Mavroidis

Invited Full Professor


Petros C. Mavroidis is Edwin B. Parker Professor of Foreign and Comparative Law at Columbia Law School. He teaches the law of the World Trade Organization (WTO). He also co-teaches a course on Corruption and sports, and a seminar on a trade issue (Fall 2017: Digital Trade). Professor of Global and Regional Economic Law at the European University Institute, in Florence. He is on leave from Columbia University School of Law, New York, where he is the Edwin B. Parker Professor of Law, and from the University of Neuchâtel. He is also Research Fellow at Center of Economic Policy Research and chief co-reporter for the American Law Institute (ALI) project “Principles of International trade: the WTO”. His latest publications are The Regulation of International trade’, MIT Press, 2016, The Law of the WTO (American Casebook Series, WEST, 2010, with George A. Bermann and Mark Wu), Trade in Goods (Oxford University Press, 2007), The Genesis of the GATT (Cambridge University Press, 2008, with Douglas A. Irwin and Alan O. Sykes).