Contencioso Contratual

Francisco Brito Pereira Coelho | Catarina Monteiro Pires | António Agostinho Guedes | / 46h / Portuguese
Autonomia privada, equilíbrio negocial e “fair dealing”
O negócio em fraude à lei
A interpretação do contrato
Operações negociais complexas e estratificação negocial 
Meios de autotutela do credor em caso de incumprimento 
A compra e venda (I e II)
A compra e venda de participações sociais
Cláusulas e litígios típicos em contratos de aquisição de empresas
A empreitada
O arrendamento
O mandato
A execução de garantias bancárias
A alteração das circunstâncias
A cláusula de força maior
A cláusula de integralidade
A renúncia aos meios de tutela jurídica
A justa causa da cessação do contrato 
Termination by convenience
A resolução do contrato e a indemnização por danos
As cláusulas “éticas”


Professor Doutor. Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto.
Professor of Private Law at the Lisbon School of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University, where she teaches “General Theory of Contracts”, “Contractual…
Undergraduate Degree in Law, Master’s Degree in Legal Sciences and Doctoral Degree in Civil Law. He teaches and has taught at various universities, namely as…
Dean and Professor of Law at Católica | Lisbon School of Law. She has researched and published works in the fields of Breaches in Obligations and Security Law…
Undergraduate Degree in Law from the School of Law of Universidade de Lisboa. Master’s Degree in Law from the School of Human Sciences, currently the Católica…
Professora Auxiliar da faculdade de Direito da UCP. Doutora em Direito.
Guest Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University, Pedro Pais de Vasconcelos is Graduate, Master and Doctor in Civil Law by…
Professora Auxiliar da Faculdade de Direito da UCP. Doutora em Direito.
Associate Professor at Católica | Lisbon School of Law, where he earned his Doctoral Degree in 2010 (Including Illicit Profits and Punitive Effects among the…
Invited Professor
Teaching Assistant at Católica | Lisbon School of Law, where he earned his Undergraduate Degree. He is currently pursuing his Doctoral Degree in Civil Law, in…
Assistant Professor at Católica | Lisbon School of Law, where he earned his Doctoral Degree in 2012 (Distribution Agreements. Protecting the integrated…