Call for Papers | Graduate Conference2024 - The Future of Equality

Thursday, June 6, 2024 - 09:59

The Católica Research Centre for the Future of Law will be hosting the Católica Graduate Legal Research Conference - The Future of Equality on 27th September 2024.

Notícia - Call for Papers | Graduate Conference2024 - The Future of Equality

We welcome submissions from graduate (particularly, Ph.D. level) students on the following topics:

  1. The constitutional/human rights-based protection of equality;
  2. The interpretation and application of equality in private law;
  3. Intergenerational justice and equality;
  4. The interaction between technological innovation and the protection of equality;
  5. The protection of minorities and fragilized communities and equality;
  6. The international and transnational implementation of equality;
  7. The legal-dogmatic meaning of equality. 

Send your abstract (500 words max.) and short bio (100 words max.) to and

This year, Católica will be offering a limited number of travel grants to support attendance at the Conference, in the order of 200€. Those interested in applying for the travel grant can do so by filling the form below.

Relevant dates

  • July 7th: submission of abstracts and bios.
  • July 9th: successful applicants will be informed.
  • September 8th: final papers are due.
  • September 27th: conference date.

Call For Papers | Application for Travel Grant