Miguel Poiares Maduro

Professor Catedrático - VdA Chair in Digital Governance


VdA Chair in Digital Governance holder, Miguel Poiares Maduro is Doctor of Laws by the European University Institute (Florence), first winner of the Rowe and Maw Prize and winner of the Prize Obiettivo Europa, Miguel Poiares Maduro was honoured by the President of the Portuguese Republic with the Order of Sant'Iago da Espada for literary, scientific and artistic merit and was awarded the Gulbenkian Science Prize in 2010.

He is the Director of the Future Forum at the Gulbenkian Foundation and Visiting Professor of the School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute where he was Professor and Director. He is Co-Director of the Academy of International Trade Law (Macao) and has been Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar at Harvard Law School, a regular Visiting Professor at Yale Law School, the College of Europe, Keio Law School (Tokyo) and the Centro de Estudios Constitucionales (Madrid) and taught at the London School of Economics, the Chicago Law School and Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Former Advocate General at the European Court of Justice, former member of the EU High Level Group on Media Freedom and Pluralism and former Chairman of the Governance and Review Committee of FIFA. He was also Minister Adjunct to the Prime Minister and Minister for Regional Development in Portugal.

Miguel Poiares Maduro belongs or has belonged to the editorial or advisory board of several law journals, including the European Law Journal and the Common Market Law Review, and was founding editor of Global Constitutionalism. He has published, in several languages, on issues of EU law, constitutional law, human rights law, governance and international economic law. Democracy in Times of Pandemic (with Paul Kahn) is his more recent book.