Nuno Moreira da Cruz

Invited Lecturer


Nuno Moreira da Cruz has a Law Degree at Universidade Católica Portuguesa in Lisbon, a Master’s degree in European Studies at the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium) and an MBA in IE Business School (Madrid).  He is also a Certified Coach (Escuela Europea de Coaching, Madrid) and Mentor for Start Up’s. After a short experience in the banking sector, Nuno joined the Bp Group holding several business jobs around Europe, working in Brussels, Madrid and London. He returned to Portugal to join Galp as a Board Member and was CEO of Galp Spain in the past five years. In our University, Nuno has been teaching “International Business” for the last ten years and is now teaching “Corporate Social Responsibility” (MSc at CLSBE) and “Globalization”. He is also responsible for organizing the “Momentos Carreira” (Law&Business Master) and appointed Executive in Residence at Catolica-Lisbon. He is also founder & CEO of NMC.