Professor of Private Law at the Lisbon School of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University, where she teaches “General Theory of Contracts”, “Contractual Design”, “B2B Contracts”, “B2C Contracts”, and “ESG - Environmental, Social, and Governance”.
She obtained her Undergraduate Degree in Law at the Lisbon School of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University (2002), a master’s degree in Private Law (2011) focusing on “The causa of juridical acts in Portuguese Civil Law”, and a Doctoral Degree in Private Law (2016) with her thesis “Evasion of law under Portuguese Civil Law/In particular as an autonomous ground for the invalidity of the contract”. Both advanced degrees were earned at the Lisbon School of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University with the highest distinction of “summa cum laude” (18 values).
She conducts research and publishes in the field of Private Law, particularly in the areas of Law of Obligations and Contract Law (both “B2B” and “B2C”). Additionally, she explores and publishes on emerging trends in corporate law, such as ESG, corporate sustainability, and corporate responsibility. Her publications in this latter field include articles on the Proposal of Directive on Corporate Due Diligence (“CSDDD”) and responsible contracting (“ethical clauses” / “sustainability clauses”).
She was awarded first place in the 3rd Edition of the IAB (“Knowledge Institute of the Law of Abreu Advogados”) Award Prize in the Doctoral Thesis category (2017) with her thesis.
She is the co-coordinator of the master’s in law in Litigation and the Postgraduate Programme in Contractual Litigation, Arbitration, and Mediation at the Lisbon School of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University. She is also a member of the “Research Group on ESG” - Project “Global Value Chains, Private Law and Private International Law” under the coordination of Professors Michael Nietsch, Veronica Ruiz Abo-Nigm, and Elsabe Schoeman.
She is affiliated with organizations such as APA – the Portuguese Arbitration Association (2019); ALAM - Lusophone Arbitration and Mediation Association (2022); ELI – European Law Institute (2022); ICC – International Chamber of Commerce (2023).
Furthermore, she acts as an arbitrator and legal counsel, with more information available at her website,